Business Model Diversification and the Mechanism of Value Creation: Resource Synergy or Context Interconnection? A Case Study of Meituan from 2010 to 2020

关键词:商业模式多元化, 价值创造, 场景互联, 场景价值, 服务主导逻辑
Business model diversification is a typical innovation path for companies seeking value creation, but the causes and consequences of its value creation are still unclear. This paper starts from a new perspective of business model contextualization, discussing the value drivers of business model diversification and the intrinsic mechanism of value creation. First of all, through the coding of case materials, we recognize three value drivers of business model diversification: time-based context interconnection (such as frequency, time, continuity, etc.), space-based context interconnection (such as location-based services, efficient connection, etc.), and proposition-based context interconnection (such as user portrait, functional needs, emotional needs, etc.). Secondly, based on the theoretical basis of service-dominant logic, network effects, and customer collaboration, combined with the case of Meituan, this paper deeply analyzes the intrinsic mechanism of the effect of various value drivers on value creation. Finally, the theoretical framework of the relationship between the value drivers of business model diversification and the results of value creation is summarized. The results of this study show that time-based context interconnection provides users with a one-stop consumption experience, and promotes the increase in the number of users, conversion rate, transaction frequency and other indicators; space-based context interconnection provides diversified and three-dimensional insight into consumer demand and reduces transaction cost, can increase user stickiness, transaction frequency, customer unit price, and monetization rate; proposition-based context interconnection provides users with accurate overall solutions and more value, and promotes the increase in the number of users, conversion rate, customer unit price, monetization rate and other indicators. The three value drivers work together to enhance the creation of value in context.
Key words:business model diversification, value creation, context interconnection, value in context, service-dominated logic
? 2018年、2019年度人大复印报刊资料转载量和新华文摘在工商管理学科连续排名第1;
? 根据《中国学术期刊影响因子年报》(2019版),在24种管理类学术期刊中,《管理评论》影响因子排名第5,在1690种全国统计源期刊中位列前5%,影响因子4.668,2019年总被引频次12432,较2018年影响因子3.838和总被引频次10069又有明显提高。
